Humankind is the Apex predator on this planet, but we are not alone. Humanity has a best friend, a companion species in the Animal Kingdom. We have developed a symbiotic relationship with a loyal, faithful, and joyful partner in this entropic, mortal coil. Over generations and millennia we have come together in our homes and in our families, building a bond that supersedes fundamental needs, and even breaks into the realm of unconditional love; the bond between Humans and their best friend, dogs. And then, like a vacation ruined by uninvited in-laws, another animal moved in. Like an unemployed, adult child, they mooch off of our dwindling hospitality. Scratch up the furniture with Mat and Veronique as we cough up the indigestible furball of Cats!

*Grumbles are specifically off-the-cuff, no research went into this grumble.


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