Humans are very small, in the Grand Schematics of Things. Large things have a gravitational force. Large things have very much matter. The Sun controls the spinning of the Earth, the seasons, the day and night. Small things, like humans, don’t have much control over the rotation of the Earth. But we have developed a way for small men to become large. Not with matter, but with money; and while money doesn’t have much matter, money does matter much. Small men with very large sums of money can move the Earth, they control our media, they control our commerce, they can destroy bodies of water with a single lobbyist, or launch electric cars into orbit to replicate that game of catch they always wanted from their fathers. And once these small men start buying governments, what will stop these black holes from consuming everything? Kneel down before Mat and Veronique as we levy taxes on the proletariat to satiate our newly-minted Billionaires!

*Grumbles are specifically off-the-cuff, no research went into this grumble.


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  1. Comment by Vadim Marcovallo-

    Vadim Marcovallo- February 19, 2025 at 10:08 pm

    Historic and Folkloric just as Tom and Ray used to say.
    I wanted to laugh, but I was busy living it.

  2. Comment by Mat

    Mat March 3, 2025 at 3:41 pm

    Yes, if only the Robber Barons were relegated to folklore.

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