Guest grumbler: Mary Elise Jones

One of the most primal and eternal conflicts in the universe is the everlasting battle between hot and cold. It is the chaos of the Big Bang, the massive energy of white dwarfs against the singularity of black holes. George R.R. Martin’s epic story of ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ is that same struggle, as is Toklien’s calm Hobbits vs. the fires of Mount Doom. Elsa set off a blizzard in summer and Darth Vader was forged in the roiling volcanoes of Mustafar. The same epic battle of extreme temperature is also played out in every corner Starbucks each time a customer places an order. Hot or cold. Coffee is hot, but iced-coffee has been tempered. Tea is hot, or not. Lattes are made with steamed milk, unless iced. The singularity of madness, though, is the cappuccino. Like the One Ring, the milk of cappuccino must be cast in the fire. Heat and steam make the froth, while ice destroys its fragile integrity. Join Mat, Veronique, and guest – Mary Elise Jones – as we froth and steam and pour over an iced crap-puccino.

*Grumbles are specifically off-the-cuff, no research went into this grumble.

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