Since the dawn of Humankind, we have looked to the heavens for answers. The sun has always been our clock, the constellations forever our calendar. Becoming an agricultural society required deciphering the cosmos in order to predict the seasons’ change. Eventually, turning ourselves into office-dwelling, meeting-addicted, hourly automatons necessitated breaking time up into nano-second precision. But the hyper-efficient corporate business model and the heavenly cosmological blanket of gravitational space-time aren’t compatible. And so there appears, every fourth year, a magical moment of concession to the natural forces of the universe: an extra day. Despite all of our glorious machinations, we are still beholden to the glory of the sun. Join the pagan dance with Mat and Veronique as we turn our faces from the sun and give instead our labors to the corporate overlords on this sacred Leap Day!

*Grumbles are specifically off-the-cuff, no research went into this grumble.


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