This episode has been archived and is only available to our Patreon subscribers!

All Hallow’s Eve is upon us. The darkness creeps in earlier and earlier. The trees have shed their leaves, leaving their bare, bony fingers clawing at the twilight sky. Nightmares lurk around every corner, because every single corner bares the evil mark of the Star Buck. How has this demon taken over the season of decay? To what evil gods have we given our sacrificial dollar? For eternity, Man has turned to the heavens to mark the harvest; but now, we smell the Pumpkin Spice belching up from the sewers and we obey. Join Mat & Veronique as we lose our heads to the madness of sleepy, hollow complacency.

*Grumbles are specifically off-the-cuff, no research went into this grumble.

Check out Veronique’s Halloween Pumpkin Video!!!

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